yo, i hear your pain about other commitments, and i apologise if i'm moving too fast with this. of course we need to meet a balance, so by all means take your time with it and don't put yourself under added pressure. i am going to respond chronologically to your latest posts...
a) i 100% agree with keeping an open mind to all potential options at this point, i might have been getting slightly carried away. i think some of the early colour schemes you cited were really interesting, so i reckon go for it on the "fleshy/sweaty colour scheme", see what you can do with it.
Again, i agree about your comments on texture too, i think a marriage between varying elements is something to embrace. my only concern is that sometimes is gets too much, and at this point we'd have to make some decisions, cross that bridge when we come to it...
b) descriptive/abstract was merely something i noticed, and doesnt have to be adhered to, you mentioned "i'm finding it difficult to make these sorts of decisions without making something first", and i couldnt agree more, i think we've found some really interesting visuals, before we get too carried away with what other people are doing, lets do something of our own...
c) i am glad you like the symmetry, with your logical/mathematical brain i'd be surprised to hear otherwise. again it isnt a must. in the pattern i showed earlier something i like is that it isnt actually symmetrical, all about the deliberate mistakes. subtle play on peoples expectations.
d) lets not make any superficial descisions at this stage. i agree we are more than capable of doing whatever we do well, and have combined skills.
your concern for rationale is more than merited, and is a good descipline. the only reason i am being slightly less concerned than normal about concept is that our brief was so loose. i think we should certainly work in a conceptual manner, and let the process decide what we are doing.
at the moment i am trying to focus on the words we've been given, and it seems your doing the same. i believe you should continue with your focus on the physicality of "sweat"/"high public sweat".
e) they are generic indie pop, which is why i second guess that their taste will be similar when it comes to visuals. lets not limit ourselves though. this is part of the reason i am so keen to do something really well, i want to be proud of whatever we do, and think they should have a total re-brand.
f) your not thinking too much, working with you has so far been a pleasure, and i welcome the descipline of your working process. i hope you dont think your working with an imbicile...