Monday 8 June 2009

Touching Base

Word up bro!
It's been too long.
Firstly lets congratulate ourselves on handing in. can i getta' hell yeah!

I'll keep this short and savory. I think it has been too long since our last correspondence and in order to get the ball rolling again i think we should get back to basics.

I really like the route we've been taking recently, the latest posts along your drip drip drip route our looking sweet. I'm glad you took on board the comments i made about potentially building a font from the shapes, however i still think the image could be further distorted and altered.

To get back to developing this image i did a very quick addition which isn't necessarily an improvement but i think was important in order to get back to the task at hand. see what you think, and if you have time let me know/do a new number.

hope all is well dude.

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